Video production guidelines

Dear speakers,

Thank you for sharing your expertise with us during the ninth conference of Library and Information Services in Astronomy. We are looking forward to learning from you and hearing about your projects and research. LISA IX will take place using a combination of Zoom and Slack.  Zoom will be used to stream prerecorded presentations at scheduled times and interactions during the live Q&A portion of the presentation as well as other aspects of the conference.  Slack will be used for asynchronous Q&A, as well as general discussions throughout the conference.

Contributors of papers and posters are invited to make prerecorded videos. Brief guidelines are provided below, along with details of how to submit the finished recording, and where to upload poster PDFs and presentation slides.

If you have any questions, please contact info[at], or join the LISA IX Slack workspace - speakers will be added to the private 'help for speakers' channel.


1st June 8am BST is the new deadline for uploading recordings to the link emailed to speakers, and for uploading slides and posters to Zenodo (see below).


Talk: 20 minute video

Poster: 5 minutes

How to record your video

You can use either your computer, your phone, or a DSLR camera to record your video you’d like to use.


If you have a computer with a built-in camera and microphone with reasonable sound quality, this can be a good option for recording your conference presentation. If it’s possible to use a plug-in USB or bluetooth microphone, this can help to eliminate background noise.

Many of us have been using Zoom to record presentations. Here are guidelines which have been written for people who have access to an institutional Zoom account. If you have an individual free Zoom account, the process is the same, but you will have to save your recording on your computer instead of in Zoom cloud storage.

If you have PowerPoint, this can also be used to create a narrated video presentation. This guide for lecturers explains the process.


Most phones have good cameras, front and back, and microphones, so make a good default device for recording. You’ll need to find a way to prop up your phone at eye level, and make sure that you’re close enough for the sound to be clear. Audio quality is very important, so make sure there’s no background noise.

DSLR Camera

DSLR cameras will produce good quality video, but make sure that the sound quality is also good.

Submission of recordings

To help us keep track of your video presentation, please use this file name format: LastName_First Name_AbbreviatedPresentationTitle

We will have contacted speakers by email with the link to upload recordings of paper and poster presentations. Please contact info[at] if you have any questions about the uploading process.

Poster PDFs and presentation slides

For your poster PDFs and visual aids like presentation slides, we invite you to register an account on the Zenodo website, preferably by linking to your ORCID ID if you have one (signing up for an ORCID is free and easy).

Zenodo will be used as a repository for all presentation slides and posters from the LISA IX conference.  Once you have created your Zenodo account, please use this link to create a Zenodo record for your presentation and upload the PDF of your presentation slides: